
Button component.


Use <VButton /> to create button component.

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<template>  <VButton>Button</VButton></template>


Use color prop to change button color.

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<template>  <VButton color="primary">    primary  </VButton>  <VButton color="secondary">    secondary  </VButton>  <VButton color="warning">    warning  </VButton>  <VButton color="error">    error  </VButton>  <VButton color="success">    success  </VButton>  <VButton color="light">    light  </VButton>  <VButton color="dark">    dark  </VButton></template>


Use size prop to change button size.

View Code
<template>  <VButton color="primary" size="sm">    Button  </VButton>  <VButton color="primary">    Button  </VButton>  <VButton color="primary" size="lg">    Button  </VButton></template>


Use variant prop to change button style.

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<template>  <VButton color="primary">    Default  </VButton>  <VButton color="primary" variant="tertiary">    Tertiary  </VButton>  <VButton color="primary" variant="ghost">    Ghost  </VButton>  <!-- more code --></template>


Use <Icon /> component to add icon to the button.

View Code
<template>  <VButton color="primary">    <Icon name="ic:round-search" class="w-5 h-5" />  </VButton>  <VButton color="primary" variant="tertiary">    <Icon name="ic:round-search" class="w-5 h-5" />  </VButton>  <VButton color="primary" variant="ghost">    <Icon name="ic:round-search" class="w-5 h-5" />  </VButton>  <!-- more code --></template>


Use rounded prop to make button rounded shape.

View Code
<template>  <VButton color="primary" rounded>    Button  </VButton>  <VButton color="primary" variant="tertiary" rounded>    Button  </VButton>  <VButton color="primary" variant="ghost" rounded>    Button  </VButton>  <!-- more code --></template>


Use shadow prop to add shadow to the button.

View Code
<template>  <VButton>    Button  </VButton>  <VButton shadow>    Button  </VButton>  <VButton shadow="sm">    Button  </VButton>  <VButton shadow="md">    Button  </VButton>  <VButton shadow="lg">    Button  </VButton>  <VButton shadow="xl">    Button  </VButton>  <!-- more code --></template>


Use block prop to make button full width.

View Code
<template>  <VButton block color="primary">    Yes, accept changes  </VButton>  <VButton block>    Cancel, revert back  </VButton></template>


Prop NameTypeAccepted ValuesDefault ValueDescription
typeString-undefinedSpecifies the type of the button.
colorString'primary', 'secondary', 'warning', 'error', 'success', 'light', 'dark''light'Specifies the color scheme of the button.
roundedBoolean-falseWhether to apply rounded corners to the button.
variantString'primary', 'tertiary', 'ghost''primary'Specifies the variant of the button.
blockBoolean-falseWhether the button should take up the full width of its container.
to[String, Object]-undefinedThe target route of the button. If provided, the button will be rendered as a nuxt-link.
hrefString-undefinedThe URL to link to if the button is not using a nuxt-link.
sizeString'sm', 'md', 'lg''md'Specifies the size of the button.
shadow[Boolean, String]true, false, 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'falseWhether to apply a shadow to the button, and the size of


No custom events.